Smetana International Piano Competition
member of EMCY
member of Alink-Argerich Foundation
Plzen, Czech Republic, March 5 - 12 2006
Results of the 1st category:
1st prize: Renáta Kriszta Konyicska, Hungary
1st prize: Sara Vujadinović, Serbia
2nd prize: Jan Šimandl, Czech Rep
2nd prize: Kristina Stepasjuková, Ukraine
3rd prize: Bára Handzušová, Czech Rep
Certificate of Merit: Iryna Brazhnik, Ukraine
Certificate of Merit: Adam Farana, Czech Rep
Certificate of Merit: Sintija Štejnkopfa, Latvia
Certificate of Merit: Anna Betka, Canada

Sara Vujadinović, Serbia (1st Prize in the First Category) at the winners´ concert.
Results of the 2nd category:
1st prize:Denny Hozman, Czech Rep
2nd prize:Imants Bluzmanis, Latvia
3rd prize:Elena Yudina, Russia
3rd prize:Jiří Pešek, Czech Rep
Certificate of Merit: Eva Suchánková, Czech Rep
Certificate of Merit: Lucie Valčová, Czech Rep
Certificate of Merit: Miroslav Míč, Czech Rep
Jiří Pešek, Czech Republic (3rd Prize in the Second Category), being awarded a prize by the vice-chairman of the City of Pilsen, JUDr. Marcela Krejsová.
Results of the 3rd category:
1st prize:Jana Tůmová, Czech Rep
2nd prize: -
3rd prize:Olena Ivanenko, Ukraine
Certificate of Merit: Mariann Marczi , Hungary
Certificate of Merit: Shoko Shimomura, Japan

Jana Tůmová, Czech Republic (1st Prize in the Third Category), being awarded by the vice-district commissioner of the Pilsen Region, Ing. Vladislav Vilímec